A channel estimation method employing chebyshev polynomials 多项式进行信道估计的方法
Subspace iteration accelerated by using chebyshev polynomials 多项式加速的子空间迭代法
Predictor based on chebyshev polynomials for lifting scheme 一种拟合型的提升小波预测方法
Some identical relations about the sum of chebyshev polynomials product 二类切比雪夫多项式积和的几个组合恒等式
Several relations between chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind 有关两类切比雪夫多项式的几个关系式
Sum of the absolute value of chebyshev polynomial coefficients and its properties 契贝谢夫多项式系数的绝对值和及其性质
Fem with absorbing boundary condition and expansion of discrete chebyshev polynomials for inverse problem of elastic waves 基于吸收边界条件的有限元方法和离散切比雪夫展开的二维缺陷识别
The output power of the one - seven power divider was accorded with the coefficient of the chebyshev polynomial . the output phase of the divider was almost the same 七路不等分功分器输出的电流幅度按7次切比雪夫多项式系数分布,各口输出相位基本一致。
In order to accelerate the convergence rate , we improve the original method with chebyshev polynomials and preconditioning techniques , and present two new algorithms 为了加速子空间迭代法的收敛性,我们应用chebyshev多项式与预处理技术,得到了两个新的改进算法。
Our numerical results show that the accelerated subspace iteration method by using chebyshev polynomials and the preconditioning subspace iteration method are superior to the original subspace iteration method 数值试验结果表明用chebyshev多项式与预处理技术加速的子空间迭代法比原始子空间迭代法优越。